Dedicated, Secure WordPress Hosting
Our Cloud Hosting is fast, scalable, and secure without being expensive. Get impressive load time on your website, backed by the Google Cloud Platform. We will keep your sites safe and secure. And if by very slim chance, your website does get hacked, we will clean it up for free!
Our cloud sites are backed by clusters of machines in data centers on every continent around the globe. If your cloud site needs extra capacity, you can deploy another cloud server behind a load-balancer that will take your traffic instantly with no downtime!
Our Cloud Servers are the best option for SEO. The faster the server, the higher your site scores on Google, which means better ranking!
Our monthly cloud hosting is available for our current clients only. We provide these website maintenance services on a monthly basis. They are included in your hosting plan.
WordPress Updates
Theme Updates
Plugin Updates
Nightly Backups
What’s not included in your monthly website hosting package:
Content writing
Search engine optimization
Adding or deleting content
Replacing or adding images
We do not host emails and are not responsible for work performed by third-party vendors. We are happy to help with such issues, but they are not included in our monthly website maintenance program.
If you are a Creative Momentum website design client, we provide this service for your convenience and to maintain a high level of security on your website.
Don’t put up with managed hosting companies that serve poorly-written, outdated PHP scripting from inexperienced amateur programmers who have never developed an enterprise application in their life. It’s time for you to work with professionals who know what they are doing.
Contact us today to find out more about our cloud hosting services by calling 512.692.9220 or by scheduling a free consultation here.